Wellbeing Barometer 2024: Primary

Thank you for taking a few moments to complete the survey below.

The Wellbeing Barometer survey is a longitudinal study that will assist your school over time. It will help detect any changes that may occur. Ultimately, this information will help support families and provide important information to your school regarding the nature and extent of your concerns and determine how best they can support you.

Responses to all survey questions remain anonymous and are only reported on an aggregated basis. You are asked to base your responses on observations made in the last 12 months.

Should this survey raise any specific concerns you wish to discuss in relation to your child, please contact a wellbeing team member at your school.

Wellbeing Barometer Secondary

1. Has your relationship with your child changed in the last 12 months?
2. Does your child engage you in conversations about their concerns or worries?
3. Does your child experience high levels of stress or anxiety?
4. Are you concerned your child feels sad or depressed for extended periods of time?
5. Has your child engaged in self-harming behaviours?
6. Has your child required help from a mental health professional?
7. Has your child's motivation to study changed?
8. Has your child required additional tutoring to assist with their studies?
9. Has your child shown signs of concern or overwhelm about the future of the world?
10. Has your child’s sense of belonging changed amongst their peers?
11. Has the amount of exercise child engages in regularly changed?
12. Has the amount of time your child spends on social media changed?
13. Have you seen a noticeable difference in your child’s resilience?
14. Has your child been involved in an incident of cyberbullying?
15. Has your child been involved in another form of bullying?
16. Has your child been a victim of online grooming?
17. Have you noticed a change in your child's use of online gaming?
18. Is there a marked shift or noticeable change in your child’s sleep and wake cycles?
19. Does your child struggle with an eating disorder?
20. Does your child engage in vaping or use e-cigarettes?
21. Has child displayed behaviours relating to school refusal?
22. Have you noticed a change in your child’s academic performance?
23. Have you noticed a change in your child’s participation in extra-curricular activities?
24. Are you worried about your child’s future in the current social, economic and psychological environment?
25. Do you think there should be routine psychological screening for all students?